So, yesterday I was a little upset by the comments many of the White readers were making about Portsmouth on But this morning, I awoke to this message in my FB inbox. I won't give his name because he's a city employee, but this older White man took the time to send this and it's really made my morning. I just had to share: "Mr. Edwards, i read your posts on pilot online. Your articulation is a threat to insecure people who are afraid of losing the vestiges of power. Your education is far more of a threat to those who attacked you than that of a criminal. I agree with you whole heartedly that many of the comments were overtly racist. The idea that generations of people "work the system" is insulting and not true. I would post but am a city employee, (social services) and do not want to put up with any grief that might occur from something I've written. I've lived here (Portsmouth) for 2.5 years now. I've never witnessed ...