Why are we surprised? Why are we making the story once again about the protesters or rioters and not about the police brutality and insensitivity about Black lives that brought us to this point in the first place?
That's the problem with Black people in America. We are very quick to let others off the hook and then allow them to turn the stories on us. Oh, we're the bad ones because some kids burned some cars. BIG FUCKING DEAL. They have not KILLED anyone. They aren't sworn and paid to protect and serve. The kids are not professionals who are trained. THEY ARE CHILDREN.
So, if our reactions to destruction of property is so outrageous, where's the reaction to the loss of life from police officers again and again in America? Where is the outrage for something that can't be brought back? All those cars and buildings damaged or destroyed can be replaced through insurance. What can bring back Freddie or Trayvon or Michael or any of the countless others who have died at the hands of unrepentant and unjust police tactics?
I know people like to talk about Black on Black crime and say we should be more concerned about that and not just when a policeman shoots an unarmed Black man. Well, Whites kill Whites at almost the same rate...so to me that's a non-issue. My problem is when an unarmed person is gunned down, or otherwise mistreated by someone who's job it is to protect them. Even if they are being arrested, they should not DIE in the process.
The issue isn't looting or burning cars. The issue isn't even insensitive police. The issue is respect, and that White society doesn't see Black people as being worthy of respect. Until that changes, nothing will change. Police will keep killing us. We'll keep allowing it and being diverted from actually doing something about it. And the cycle will continue. Those of us who are awake already will have to bear the pain of seeing our people lost. And those who are not yet enlightened will hopefully come to the realization that they are only pawns in a game that they don't even know they are playing.
One day, these images will be only a memory, and maybe even history. If the world goes the right way, we'll be teaching this from a clearer perspective, hindsight always is better. If the world does not change, we will only see more flames, more fear, more murder and more injustice.
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