Can you believe that I still dream of getting high
Even after being here for 85 days
In my sleep I buy a dime, and roll up a blunt
And smoke and try to wake up still John Blazed
But it isn't just weed that my mind craves anymore
It's the process and the act of getting high
Because it gives me the chance, to leave reality behind
And just float, like a cloud up into the night sky
I'm a drug addict, and it's not easy to admit
But being real is my best shot at escaping death
I've smoked tons of weed, snorted likes of coke
But I fucked up when I shot up with meth
We've all heard this saying, at some point in our lives
"What's good to you ain't always good for you"
Well that shit felt too great, and I knew it was no good
Because it took days before my body recovered
I'm not proud of that shit, but I live in my truth
And maybe I can help someone else avoid it
Because depression is a lie, and when you think you've lost your mind
All that's left is your body, so "why not try to exploit it?"
But what I've figured out, is it's all about pain
And trying your best to somehow numb it
But drugs won't work, because they only get you high
What you need is strength, to face the pain and overcome it
So what happens now, I really don't know
But I'm certain I'll be faced with temptation
And when that day comes, I'll remember these words
The first rule of life is SELF PRESERVATION
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