What do you really get
Out of calling me a Nigger?
Are you expressing anger
Because nature made mine bigger?
You called me out of my name
Just to gain a violent reaction
But I refuse to let hate win
And give you that satisfaction
And the you called me Faggot
Tried insulting me another way
But I held my peace and let God work
So no victory for evil today
The ignorance you showed is sad
And pitiful for any human being
And instead of disrespecting me
You should be bowed before your king
If you think that I'm a Nigger
I have some real bad news for you
Your King David, your Solomon, your Moses, your Aaron
And even your Jesus were Niggers, too
So keep shooting with your words
And cutting with your eyes
Because the next time you call me Nigger
You wont live to see the Sun rise
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