I'm sitting here in my bed, like I do every day, just thinking. Thinking about my life and how things have turned out. I beat myself up about things that I've done or opportunities that I've let slip though my fingers. I wish I had done things differently but I can't turn back time to go back and fix them. So where does that leave me? What can I do today to move forward? I fear that I'm falling into the same cracks that my parents did. I should have known better. I saw first hand what happened to them and I should have been smart enough not to go down the same path. But here I am, battling the same demons and trying day in and day out to keep my head above water. Sometimes I hate myself for not listening to the lessons I had as a kid. I regret starting bad habits and allowing them to affect my life in the way that they have. I wake up every day unmotivated and stuck. I see my friends going about their lives, working, loving their children, spending time with their...