I'm sitting here at the job I love, dreading going to the new one that I already have issues with. I've already been called picky because I voiced how I feel about being exploited at this call center, and of course I've had to remove that person completely from my life. I hate being labeled something by someone who has no point of reference what it's like to be me. To call me picky is an insult, and it spits in the face of all the work I've done previously, all the education I got for myself, and everything that I've managed to push through in my life. Right now I'm so pissed, not just at that person, but at the situation I find myself in, and most of all I'm disappointed at myself for not being perfect. I know, people will tell me that perfection isn't something that people should ever aspire to because it's not realistic, but I beg to differ. When I go out into the world, I feel like I'm expected to be perfect, and I know I simply ca...